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Fascia Research Society
Event Registration - Fascia Research Society
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Theme 2: Fascia, Emotional Regulation and Somatic Psychology - Webinar 2
1/21/2025 - 1/21/2025

Event Description
We are thrilled to announce our upcoming FRS webinar series, starting January 2025. Releasing a new webinar every 2-weeks, the series will be split into three key themes: Fascia and Pelvic Health, Fascia, Emotional Regulation and Somatic Psychology and Fascia and Hormonal Health. Each topic will feature 3 independent webinars with some incredible speakers with a range of research and clinical backgrounds. You will also be given recommended reading and have the opportunity to send in questions to the presenter for each week. We cannot wait to share with you emerging research and applied practical findings on these topics from some of our favorite fascia researchers. These webinars will be available exclusively to FRS Members so don't miss out and sign up today!